
We are a publicly supported, not for profit corporation, tax exempt under IRS Code section 501(c)(3). Your donations may be tax deductible.
Johnson’s Island Museum
In July of 2001, the society opened the only museum dedicated entirely to the history of Johnson’s Island. The exhibits include a scale model of the entire island and POW Depot and a scale model of Prison Block No. 10. There are many images, documents and artifacts from private collections of those who want others to know about Johnson’s Island.
Our museum charges no admission in keeping with the ideal that the history of Johnson’s Island is for the public to know, appreciate and preserve. To continue to do this, we must depend upon the generosity of our members and those who donate to us.
Please make a contribution or, better yet, join the Johnson’s Island Preservation Society. In this way you will help us preserve the multi-faceted history of Johnson’s Island, as well as make the public aware of that history.
Becoming a Member:
- Captain Membership is $20/year.
- Major Membership is $30/year
- General Membership is $50/year (includes a copy of the popular book “Rebels on Lake Erie,” an $18 value)
- Typical donation amounts are $100, $50, and $25.
- However, you may choose to donate any amount you wish.
Fill out the Membership/Donation Form.
Please make all checks payable to: Johnson’s Island Preservation Society.
Please send donation and/or membership form to:
Johnson’s Island Preservation Society
PO Box 1865
Marblehead, Ohio 43440