Island History – Civil War Era
POW Autograph Books
Autograph books were kept by many of the prisoners during their stay on Johnson’s Island. The C. H. Walker book, shown below, contains the names of some of the first prisoners to come to the island in early 1862. Many of these men were exchanged in September of 1862. For the prisoners, autograph books were a great way to collect the names and home towns of those with whom they had served in battle, as well as those whom they met on Johnson’s Island. The autograph book below was even used after the Civil War, perhaps at a reunion of Confederate Veterans. It is amazing that it survived the war and was in a condition that additional signatures could be added.
The first autograph books were merely plain writing or journal books. Later, in 1863, a more formal book was used with the word “Autographs” written in gold on the cover. Most likely, these were purchased from the prison sutler that had a store inside the stockade. Frequently, the first few pages were devoted to a sketch of the prison or an impressive title page with “Autographs Confederate Officers on Johnson’s Island” written in fancy calligraphy. Many of the books were signed by the 25 Generals imprisoned on the island at various times. Some of the Generals even signed more than once in the same book.

Autograph Book of Captain C. H. Walker
Copyright Feb. 12, 2005
Page 1
Capt C. H. Walker
Johnsons Island
August 21st 62
3rd Regt-Tenn Volunteers
Enlisted May 18th 1861
Taken prisoner at the surrender
Of Fort Donaldson Feby 16th 1862
Imprisoned at Camp Chase
March 1st, removed to this
Island Apr 10th
David S. Martin 3rd Leiut Co H 3rd Tenn Reg
Fort Donelson Feby 16th 1862
E. W. Hearns… 3rd Lieut Co. G.3rd Tenn Reg
Captured at Ft Donelson. Feb 16th 1862
Address Connorsville
Page 2
1st. Lt C. N. Stockell
Drill Instructor 53rd Regt Tenn Vol
Enlisted in the 1st Tenn in April
1861 & Transferred to the 53rd in December
of the same year
Was surrendered at Ft Donelson
16th of February, 1862
Residence “Nashville, Tenn”
J. G. Hamilton 2nd. Lt. 4th Miss Regt
Surrendered at Ft Donelson,
Residence, Durant, Missi.
J. R. Stevens
2nd First Capt (I)4th Miss
vol captured at Fort
Donelson Feb 16th 62
Residence Calhoun
Co Miss
Page 3
E.G.L. Bridges 1st Lt
3rd Regt of Tennessee Voluns
Mustered into service May
the 21st/61. Captured at
Fort Donelson the 16th of
February 1862.
Address Connorsville
Giles Co Tenn
W. Singleton Duncan
2nd Lt. 1st Regt. 3rd Division
(Clarks) “Missouri State Guard”
Captured Dec. 25th 1862
Residence, Fulton, Missouri
James Simmons Capt. 3rd Div.
Missouri State Guard Captured in Sa–
Line County Mo. Dec. 7, 1861. St. Joseph Mo.
Page 4
P. Faillerton Millard 2nd Lieut. Co. C 2nd
Regt. 5th Div. Missouri State Guard, Captured
At Kirksville, Mo. Nov.28th 1861
Address Birkettsville, Fredericks, Co. Md
F. A. Rogers Capt Co C 2nd Regt Inft
6th Division Missouri State Guard
Captured at Milford Johnson County Mo.
Decm 19th 1861
Residence Vermont???? Cooper Co Mo
L. R. Townsend 2nd Leiut Co E
4th Regiment Miss Vols Captured
at Fort Donelson Feby 16th 1862
Residence Winona. Mississippi
J. T. Caldwell Capt M. S. G.
Captured Jany 8th 1862 at the Battle of
Silver- Creek. Residence Monticello Mo.
Page 5
Wm. Clarkson
Capt Sixth Missouri V. I.
Captured near Sedalia Mo. Dec 21st 1861
Born in Faquier County Va. Residence Columbia Mo.
WH Inge
Capt Missouri Vol
Captured at Warsaw Benton Co
Feb 16 1862
J. B. Austin
1st Lieut Co. D 49 Reg Tenn
Volunt Captured at Fort
Donaldson Feby the 16th 1862
Post Office Charlott Tenn Dickerson
D. H. McIntyre: Capt: 2nd Mo.
Captured Fulton Callaway Co. Mo
Address Fulton or Mexico Mo.
Page 6
Jno. G. Provines Capt Missouri V. I.
Captured Dec 25 at Fulton Mo.
Address, Fulton, Mo.
W. Dimsby Watts
Lt Artillery Ordinance
1st Tennessee Fort Henry
Nashville Tenn
Wm. C. Winston Lieut Company “C”
Teen Artillery Corps
G. R. G. Jones Lieut C. S. A.
Fort Henry Nashville
John M Laughtim
Capt & Q M 10th Tenn Regt
Ft Henry Ten
Page 7
Jessi Taylor Capt Artillery C S Army
Captured at Fort Henry Feby 6th 1862
F. C. Barber, Capt. Co. “K”. 3rd Regiment Tennessee Provisional
Army. Captured captured at Fort Donelson. Feb 16th 1862.
Elkton. Giles Co. Tenn.
W. N. Aymett 3rd Leut Co C
5th Reg of Tennsee Voluns capt
ured at Fort garion???? 16th of Feb 1862
E. H. F. Gordon Capt Co B 3rd Regt Tenn Vol
Surrendered at Fort Donaldson Feb 16th
186 dress Pulaski Tennessee
D G Alexander 2nd Leiut Co (D)
3rd Regt tenn Vol surrendered
at Fort Donilson Feb 16 1862
address Camp Gellsoville
Page 8
Hugh L. Ray. Capt of Company I. 27th. Regt Alabama vol.
Captured at Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862. – Address
Rodgersville. Laudendale County Alabama.
William Sweeny 1st Lieut Co G Tenth
Tenn Vols captured at Fort Donelson Feb
The 16th 1862 Residence Nashville Ten
A. G. Berrie 1st Lieut Co “H”, 10th Ten
(Residence) Pullan Mills
Amherst County – Va.
Taken Prisoner at Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862
S. W. Averritt Lieut C. S. N.
Floating Battery “New Orleans”
Island No. 10 April 8th 1862.
Address Halifax Co. Hs. Va.
Page 9
Sam M. Thompson. Capt Co H 10 Tenn Vols
Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862
Florence Lauderdale Co Alabama
John W. Kazan 2nd Lieut. Co H
10th Tenn Residence Nashville
J. H. Reaches capt co G. 49th
Regt Tenn Vol
Address Clarkville Tenn
J A Hayden Capt Engrs Prov Corps CSA
Captured at Fort Henry Feb 6th 1862
Residence Nashville Tenn
E B Thompson Capt Company C 27 Ala Vol
Captured at Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862
Flornen ???? Lauderdel Co Alabam
Page 10
D. D. Philips Lieut
Nelson Art Captured at Island 10
April 7th 1862 Tennessee Vol Residence
Near Nashville Tennessee
Kruryt – Jone. Capt Va 2 M
“Tilghman’s Brigade”
Res Fort Henry, Feby11th /62
Paducah, Ky……
H W Salmon Capt Co F 1st
Regt Cavalry MS.G.
Versailles Mo.
W. P. McClure
1st Cav for Inv. a. Missourian
Captured at Lexington Mo
Dec 18th/1862
Page 11
Ford P. Heller …… CSA.–
Leiut Co B 1st Reg Tenn Arty…
Tilghman’s Brigade
Res Fort Henry – Feb 6/62
Rupellville Ky
L C Banks 32 Reg Tenn Voln
Capt Fort Donalson
Address Franklin W……
J.O. Campbell Quarter Master Seargent
32nd tenn RegT Vol. Infantry
Address Franklin
W. R. Culbertson Lieut Porters Tenn
Battery. Captured at Fort Donelson Feby 16/62
Page 12
J H Morton Capt Co H 32nd Reg
Tennes. Vol Captured at Ft Donelson
Feb 16th 1862 Residence
Franklin Tennessee
P F McCane 2nd Leiutenet Co,H, 32nd Reg
Tennessee Vol Captured at Ft Donelson
February 16th 1862. Residence Bethesda
L. S. Bond first Lieutenant
forrest Cavalry Captured at fort
Donelson feb the 16th 1862 Residence
Spring hill Tenn
John W. Morton JR.
1st …..Porter’s Tenn Artillery
Page 13
John H Handy, Capt Co I 10th Tenn
Captured at Fort Donelson, Feb 16th 1862
Franklin Tenn
T. Landers Leite, Porters Battery
Captured at Fort Donelson
Feb. 16th, 1862.
Residence, Memphis,
Thomas Gibson
1st Lt Co b 10th Tenn
Ft Donelson, Nashville Tenn
Jas T Kirkman. 2Lt Co B. 10th Tenn
Ft Donelson. Nashville Tenn
Robert Andrews
1st Lieut 27th Ala Regt
Florence Ala
Page 14
Leslie Ellis
Capt 10th Tenn Volunteers
Nashville, Tenn.
W H Jayner Capt Co B 18th Tenn
Regt Surrendered at Donelson
Goodletsville Tenn
W. P. Oneal Capt. Co, I,
32nd Regt Tenn Vols
Address Tenn
S. C. Bowen 2 Lieut. Co (B) 8 Tenn.
Regt Surrendered at Fort Donelson
Address Goodlettsville Tenn
Page 15
John M Winstead Capt
Comp , G, 32nd Regt Tenn Vol
Ft Donaldson… Pulaski
Sid. H. Lowe, Capt. Co. (E).
18th TENN. Inft.
Born in Wilson Co. Tenn. Sept. 17th, 1839
Entered the Service May 29th. 1861
“Ft Donelson”
Address Ashland City,
Johnson’s Island, Tenn.
Aug 25th 1862
Page 16
Poem by Wm. P. Clarkain
Page 17
Jno. H Davis, 2nd. Lieut.
Co. (K) 18th Tenn. Regt. Vol.
Ft Donelson Feb 16th, 1862.
Address …… LaGuardo, Wilson Co, Tenness
Franklin S. Ezell Commissary Sergt
Of the 32nd Regiment of the Tennessee Surrender at Fort Donelson Feby 16th
1862. Address Millville Tennessee Vols
Joel A. Battel Cal
20th Regt Tenn Vol
Nashville Tenn
Frank H. Lytle 1st Lieut Co (C) 18th Regmt Tenn. Vol.
Page 18
Page 19
Nat Gooch Lt Co “C” 18th Regt T Vol
Residence Tenysner???? Ten
M. R. Butler Capt Co “C”
18th Tenn Regt Captured Ft Donelson.
Residence Murfreesboro Tennn
I. G. Randolph. 2nd Leiut Co (C)
18th Regt Ten Vol Captured at
Donelson, February 16th 1862
P.O. Murfreesboro Tenn
J. H. George Capt Co.(D) 41st Regt Tennessee
Vols Commanded by Col R Fangreharson ????
Surrendered at Ft Donelson Feb 16th 1862
Address Fayetteville Tennessee
Joseph Young 2nd Lieut Co A 32nd Reg Tenn
Vol Captured Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862
Address Connorsville Giles County Tenn
Page 20
W. P. H. George First Lt of Company E.
32 Regiment of Tennessee volentiers
Captured at Fort Donelson Feb 16th 1862
Address c Millivill Teincoln County
E. W. Holt Capt Co K 5th Tenn Regt P. A.
Captured near Corinth Miss May 28th 1862.
Address Bunker Hill TEnn
William R. Collins 3 Liutenana
Company A an 32 Regiment
Tenn volunteers Captured at
fort donelson the 16th of February 1862
fort ofes???? Connersville????
Page 21
Willis Worley Captain of Company
A 32nd Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers.
Captured at Fort Donelson February
16th 1862. Address Bradshaw
Giles County Tennessee
James R Finery Capt Co G 32nd Regt
Of Tennessee vol Surrendered at
Fort Donelson Feb the 16 1862
Address Millvill Tennessee
H. G. St. John Capt. Co. D 18th Regt
Tenn Vol. Captured at Fort Donelson
Tenn. Feb 16th 1862. …… Still in prison
At Johnson’s Island August 23rd 1862
Jno A Allen Capt Co B 46th Regt. Tenn
Captured at Island 10 April 8th 1862
Residence Henry Co Tenn …… Paris P.o.
Page 22
L. W. Talbott Lt “Forrest Rangers”
Forrest’s Regt Cavalry: Taken at Donelson
Address, Bardstown, Ky. Where I can beat
you a game of chess if you ever come “bobbing
around there”
R. G Lane Jr 2nd Leut Co D. Forest
Cavalry, Captured at Donaldson
Residence Clarksville Texas.
J. T. Magee 2nd Lt Co (G) 4th Regt
Miss Vols Captured at Fort Donelson
Tenn. Febry 16th 1862 Residence Durant????
Colmas County Miss. Loctn if
you ever visit on Miss. I will be pleased
to see you at my home
Page 23
J. O. Lock (3) Lt Co (D) 5 Regt Tenn
Vol Surrendered T Fort Donelson
Feb 16th 162 residence Campbellsville
Tenn call and see me`
Jos. J. Gee
Carrolton Missi
Capt Co N 4th Regt Miss. Vols
Ft Donelson Tenn
Robert T. Cooper Capt Co (H) 3rd Tenn
Regt. Captured at Fort Donelson 16th Feby/62
Address Newburgh Lewis Co. Tennessee.
I have been intimately acquainted for 15
Months. (he being The Sen, Capt in my Division) tenth????
The owner of this book. & I have always
appreciated him highly, having every opportunity to know him.
Give me a call. I am an old Democrat
Page 24
Calvin J. Clark Capt Co A 3rd Regt
Tenn Vol. Surrendered at Donelson Feb.
16th 1862. Residence Pulaski Tennessee.
Having left a happy home, wife & children
& sseribled???? Life & fortune for your country. I hope
the time is not far distant, almost at
hand, when those who know you best will
show their appreciation of the sacrifice you
have made. & that country for which
you risked so much. Grow proud for
having sent for her-son to do her bat-
T E Moss Sergt Major 2nd Ky Regt
Capt. at Donelson Feby 16th 1862
Residence Paducah Kentucky
M L Miller Lt Col of
11th Arks Regt Vol CSA surrendered
at Island No 10 April 8th 1862
Benton Saline Co
Page 25
T. M. Smith Col of
11th Arks Reg Vol C.S.A.
Surrendered at Island 10 Tenn
April 8th/62’ Residence
Benton Saline City Arks.
Thomas D Deuvenport Capt Co D
32 Tennessee Regiment Captured at Donelson
Home Lawren ceburg Tennessee
Benj F Matthews Captain Company I.
3rd Tennessee Regiment
Residence Lawrenceburg Tennessee
Thomas S. Porter 1st Lieut 9 Battalion
Tennessee Cavalry Surrendered at
Fort Donelson Feby 16th 1862
Address Columbia Tenn.
Page 26
John N. Morton Jr
1st Lt. Porters Tenn. Battery
D.H. Hannah 1st Lieut Co D 3rd Regt Ten
Volenteirs Captured at Ft. Donaldson
Address Campbellsville Tenn
W. T. Mitchell 3rd Lieut
Co (B) 3rd regt Tennessee Vol
Captured Fort Donandson
Fifth Ap. 1862
Address Lyonsville Tennessee
John R White Capt Co I 53 Tenne
Regt Captured Donelson Feb 16 1862
Address Lyonsville Tennessee
Page 27
Page 28
J.K.P. Blackburn Co F. 8th Texas
Sweet Home Tavaca Co Tex.
JMac Thurman Co K 53 Tenn
Campbellsville Tenn
R. M. Bugg Co. H 23rd Texas Cavalry
San Marcos Hays Co Texas
J. H. Williamson Co. D 3rd Tenn
R. A. Fasten Co. F. 1st Texas Regulars.
Hickory Plains Ark
Page 29
C. E. Yates Enlisted the Spring
Of 1861 in Co. B. 2nd Bat
tallion of Tenn Cavalry
J W Lamar. Enlisted in co E
3rd Tenn Inf the 11th day of May
J R Briggs Co E 11 Ten Cavialy
Lyonsville Ten
M. L. Danielson Co D 9th cav
Lawrenceburg Tenn
Capt A. B. Gordon Co E 11th Tenn
Cav Connorsville Tenn
J. C. Johnson, Co. E. 11th Tenn.
Lyonsville Tennes.
Page 30
Lt M Mahon Co G.
3rd Regiment Tenn
Enlisted May 18th 1861
And surrendered at
Greensboro North Caro
Lina April 29th 1865
In all the battles of
the Regt but two
Chicamauga & Mis –
Sionery Ridge
Enlisted at Connorsville
Giles Co Tenn
J.N. M. (Doc) Farmer Co H.
1st Tenn Cavalry
D B Garrett Co B, 8th Tenn
C C Shimatry, Engineer 3rd Reg Tenn Inf
Henri Blakemore 8th Tenn Regt
C. C. London Co K 3rd Tenn Inft
S.S. Cross Co E 3rd Tenn Inft
Page 31
D M Dougherty Co B 2nd
Reg Tenn
G W Pullen Co E 3rd Tenn Inft
L Stewart G 48 Tenn Inft
S D Dabney E 11th Tenn Cal
SH McMillion Co G 3rd Tenn Infty
L. M. Shields Co (I) 53 Tenn
Marcus B. Torrey Co B 6st Tenn
Thomas, O’Brien Co G 1st Tenn
H G Dillery Co E 11 Tenn Cav
S.O. Perry Co. E. 1st Tenn Cavl
J.P. English, Co. G 3rd Tenn Inft
Geo. S. Palio???? Co. F. 1st Tenn Cavalry
G. W. Gibson Co. E. 3rd Tenn Inft
J. H. Burrow ???? Co E. 27th Ala. Inft.
J J Wilson Bailw….. Miss Regt
HM. McClure Co. D 53 Tenn Inft
Page 32
W T Wilsford Company D Heatons
RJ Anderson Co E 11th Cav.
J.G. Fathan Co. H 1st Tenn
T G Calvert Co H 1st Tenn
J. C. Burton Co (G) 4 KY
J W Knox Co B. 3rd
Regt Tenn vol Enlisted
at Lyonville Tenn
May 18th 1861 and
Surrendered at Greens
boro North Carolina
April 26th 1865
Joe Goldman Co B 3rd reg
Tenn vol
Page 33
C. S. Williamson
Company G.
11th Tenn. Cavalry
Forrest Division
L. M. Calvert Co. B. 3rd Tenn
J. M. Fay Co B. 8th Tenn
W H Yancy Co B 3 Tennessee
O S Smith Co. H first Tennessee
- Spelling, grammar and abbreviations are as in autograph Book;
- An italicized font was used for all names to indicate hand writing;
- Names and words that were not confirmed on other listings are followed by ????; and
- Where letters could not be deciphered, they are marked with a series of periods (ex: ……….), where more periods indicate more undeciphered letters.
The autograph books herein are not to be reproduced or copied in any way without the written permission of The Johnson’s Island Preservation Society.